150 years old house is now “be-loved” Farm Stay Resort!-築150年のファームリゾートでデトックス!
There is a beautiful farm resort called “Hiraizumi Club” that is only 10 minutes away from JR Hiraizumi Station. This farmhouse is 150 years old and it has been restored and renovated beautifully to welcome and be loved by new guests for generations to come.
** Only 1 group a day (up to 9 people) is allowed per day and there will be no staff on the site during your stay.
最大9名が滞在できるこの宿泊施設では、建物の歴史を重んじながらも築年数を考えた補強工事、ゲストの方々が “Home” と感じてくれるような居心地の良さを提供できる間取りやデザイン、そして四季を通して快適に過ごせるよう冷暖房がそなえられています。
The nostalgic vibe of the resort reminds you of “home” no mater where you come from, and you will enjoy the tradition x modernness of the resort that also gives you a cozy and warm feeling throughout the seasons.
There are 2 types of bedrooms and bathrooms that would be perfect for families or small groups to have some of the room privacy during the stay.
宿泊のみはもちろんのこと、シェフを読んでの“おまかせ”フレンチや、現地の郷土料理でもある“はっと”つくり体験、屋外でのBBQ 体験なども可能ですので、連泊を通して気になったプランをお試ししてみるのもお奨めです。
You can stay as a no meal option and enjoy North American style BBQ (Yes, there is a Weber BBQ grill!!) outside or you can add “Omakase” French cuisine that will be served by a local French Chef. In addition, you can add a
traditional cuisine called Hatto which is a Wheat flour dumpling in a seasonal vegetable soup. You will also have the opportunity to make this delicacy with a local mother who teaches you how to prepare and cook it. This will be an unforgettable memory for you to learn from a traditional local Japanese woman.
Finally, you cannot avoid the views from this resort as breath taking views of the mountains, rice fields, and the town of Hiraizumi are definitely worth your stay at Hiraizumi Club.